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How to Clean Your Conservatory Roof

11 February 2015

Having a clean and fresh home is a must for any homeowner. When people invest in a conservatory, they are often keen to find out ways how to keep this functional space clean. 

But, one of the burning questions that many conservatory owners have is how to keep the roof of their conservatory clean. After all, it’s essential that the roof is maintained in a state of cleanliness. A dirty roof that is littered with leaves and debris can have an impact on the aesthetic quality of your conservatory.

You don’t have to ponder this big question any longer. Here is your ultimate guide to cleaning your conservatory roof. 

Always be Prepared

Having the right products to clean your roof is important. You need to make sure that you have the right products for a gleaming shine to your conservatory roof. But, you also need to make sure that you can access your roof safely and with ease. This is important.

Much like the boy scouts, it’s always best to be prepared. So, make sure that you can access your roof and make the area around this space safe. Remember: don’t stand on the roof. It’s made of glass and as such, may not be sturdy enough to take the weight of a person and their arsenal of cleaning products.

Make sure that you have a ladder your roof. But, only do this if the area around you is safe. If this is not the case, op for a long tool like an extendable handled sponge so that you can get to those hard to reach places. 

Some conservatory owners swear by the virtues of water fed poles. This emits water and soap from the pole at a height. The extendable pole allows you to reach the roof with ease. What’s more, you will remain safe in the process. Make sure that you have a full view of the roof so that you can diligently clean it with ease. 

It’s all about being prepared and having the right tools in your kit. 

Using the Right Products

Having the right products to clean your roof is a must. So, opt for a product such as soaps. These are a great way of lifting residue and debris from your roof. Remember to opt for a product that is specially designed for outdoor use. That way, you can ensure that you banish smears for good.

Get Your Clean On

Once you have your trusty kit, you can make sure that you are cleaning the right way. If you are using a ladder, get someone to hold the bottom. It’s always best practice to put safety first.

Aim to clean in a methodical manner. Apply the soap and water and leave for a couple of minutes to allow the soap to work. This will loosen the debris and grime on the roof. Then, scrub continuously in a vertical motion. That way, you will be able to see the spots that you have missed. Don’t use an abrasive surface as this damage the glass. For tougher stains, there is no substitute for elbow grease. So, flex your muscles and get scrubbing. 

Once the stains have been removed, simply rinse the glass roof with water. Use a squeegee to remove excess water and omit smears. 

Voila! You have the cleanest, shiniest conservatory roof.

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